Synthesis of Normal Human Protocol

I. Reagents/Materials

  • Fertilized ovum or zygote
  • Prenatal matrix and substrate
  • Prenatal host organism
  • Postnatal physiopsychosocial matrix
  • [REDACTED] Life

II. Protocol

A. Prenatal Preparation of Embryo and Fetus

  1. When a B1 and C2 love each other very much…obtain fertilized ovum or zygote
  2. a) Avoid: 46XX w/ SRY, 46XX CYP21A2 mutation, 45X, 45X/46XY mosaicism, 47XXY, 46XY CYP21A2 mutation, 46XY AR mutation, 46XY SRD5A2 mutation, 46XY AMH/AMHR2 mutation, etc.3
  3. Submerge fertilized ovum or zygote within matrix and attach to substrate
  4. Attach substrate to host organism4
  5. Proceed with cell division as directed5
  6. Wash embryo and fetus with hormones as directed (phase 1 & 2)6
  7. a) Avoid: elevated androgens IF 46XX or 46XY CYP21A2 mutated; low androgens IF 46XY or 46XY SRD5A2 mutated, etc.7
  8. Add exogenous physiopsychosocial stimulation as necessary

B. Birth

  1. Perform reconstruction as necessary8

C. Postnatal Administration

  1. Submerge baby in postnatal physiopsychosocial matrix (if 46XY, titrate endogenous androgens)
  2. Add physiopsychosocial stimulation as necessary over time9
  3. Titrate child with endogenous hormones as directed to stimulate puberty
  4. a) Avoid: elevated androgens IF 46XX, low estrogen IF 45X/46XY, low testosterone IF 46XY AR mutated, 47XXY, 46XX w/ SRY, 45X/46XY mosaicism, etc.10
  5. Add physiopsychosocial stimulation as necessary over time11
  6. Add Care
  7. Add [REDACTED]
  8. Add [REDACTED]
  9. Teach [REDACTED]
  10. Teach REDACTED]
  11. Teach [REDACTED]
  12. [REDACTED] Critical Thinking [REDACTED]
D. Death
  1. Dispose as directed*


III. Notes

  1. B is defined as: man, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], etc.
  2. C is defined as: [REDACTED], woman, [REDACTED], etc.
  3. For full list please consult the manual “Mutations.”
  4. Substrate may come pre-attached. Host organism may be substituted for alternative exogenous nutritional supply with caveats—more under Discussion.
  5. For extended directions please consult the manual “Genome.”
  6. Ibid.
  7. For full list please consult the manual “Mutations.”
  8. Ibid.
  9. For extended directions please consult the manual “A Normal Society.”
  10. For full list please consult the manual “Mutations.”
  11. For extended directions please consult the manual “A Normal Society.”

IV. Discussion

Synthesis of Normal Human is a foundational protocol that works in conjunction with the fundamental manual “A Normal Society.” It is presented in abridged form here. Although the protocol predates the manual, it has been updated over time to reflect the convenient advancements of contemporary science and technology. As mentioned in Note 4, there have been recent developments in the field of Human Synthesis that have discovered possible alternative substitutes for a host organism, however more clinical trials are necessary before they can be definitively recommended. For more detail on the procedure, see DeLisi et al. under References.